A Gold Anniversary
late October, the Graduate School – New Brunswick held
a weekend celebration commemorating the fiftieth anniversary
of the Graduate School. The Graduate English Program participated
in the festivities, creating a poster for an afternoon display
session, producing a program for the event, writing a brief
history of the Graduate English Program, and hosting a reception
and “book party” for the Department. The afternoon
reception was followed by a gala dinner at the Hyatt organized
by the Graduate School, where alumni, current graduate students,
faculty, and staff members partied into the night.
thanks go to the alumni who lent or donated books to help
make the party a success. The Graduate Program is currently
in the process of setting up an alumni bibliography and an
alumni book library, for use by current graduate students
and as a record of the accomplishments of our graduates. For
more information about participating, and for more pictures
of the anniversary event than we can print here, please see
our Website.
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English Program
Study at Rutgers