Events Listing


Black Lab 2: Experiments in Critical Black Studies

When:  Monday, December 05, 2022, 04:30pm

Where:  Hageman Hall (New Brunswick Theological Seminary, 35 Seminary Pl)

Category:  Panel

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This graduate panel will have papers will be given by Helen Ganiy  (Imagining the Terrapolin: Posthuman Materiality as Posthuman Possibility in Patrick Chamoiseau’s Slave Old Man), Ivana Onubogu (Crossing, Stillness, and the Pursuit of Madness: Alien Relation as Praxis), and John Sloan (When do the two make mud?’: Soil(ing) at/as the End of World(ing), or the Planet after the Plantation).

Respondent: Catherine Keller, George T. Cobb Professor of Constructive Theology in the Theological School and Graduate Division of Religion of Drew University. Author of The Face of the Deep: A Theology of Becoming (2003), Intercarnations: Exercises in Theological Possibility (2017), and Facing Apocalypse: Climate, Democracy, and Other Last Chances (2021)

pdfBlackLab Flyer


 Helen Ganiy  Ivana Onubogu  John Sloan  Catherine Keller
 Helen Ganiy  Ivana Onubogu John Sloan  Catherine Keller