Javiera Barrientos

Graduate Student

Emily C. Bartels

Professor of English
Murray Hall, Room 203A, College Ave Campus
Research Specialities William Shakespeare; Christopher Marlowe; early modern drama and literature; cross-cultural representation

Yaacov Bronstein

Graduate Student

Matthew S. Buckley

Associate Professor of English
36 Union Street, Room 213, College Ave Campus
Comparative early modern and modern drama

Henry Carges

Graduate Student
Women Writers, Gender & Sexuality

Ann Baynes Coiro

Professor of English
Murray Hall, Room 206, College Ave Campus
Seventeenth-century literature, including the Restoration; Milton; court culture; seventeenth-century drama; early modern women writers

Sylvester Cruz

Graduate Student
Drama of the English Renaissance (from Antiquity to the First Civil War) | Intellectual History, esp. the history of Renaissance Humanism and historical affect theory | History of Reading, esp. Protestant Biblical commentary and allegoresis

Thomas Fulton

Professor of English
43 Mine Street, Room 204, College Ave Capmus
Milton; Shakespeare; Politics and Philosophy; Biblical and Religious Culture; Book History; Renaissance Literature

Ronald Levao

Associate Professor of English
Murray Hall, Room 201, College Ave Campus
Early Modern Literature; Literature and Intellectual History; Shakespeare and Film; Twins and Doubles in Literature and Myth

Shaurya Oberoi

Graduate Student
Natural Philosophy, Early Modern Science and Mathematics, Materialisms

Dana Omirova

Graduate Student
Shakespeare, Early Modern Justice, Reception Studies

Michael Opal

Graduate Student

Aidan Selmer

Graduate Student
Early Modern English poetry and drama in the context of post-Reformation church history

Henry S. Turner

Vice President for Academic Initiatives
Professor of English
Winants Hall 410G, 7 College Ave, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Murray Hall, Room 053, College Ave Campus
Early Modern Literature, especially Shakespeare, Jonson, Dekker, and Middleton; Nashe and Hakluyt; Bacon and Hobbes; Theatricality and Performance; Literary Theory, Deconstruction, Psychoanalysis, and Semiotics; Literature and Science; Literature and Intellectual History; Literature and Law; Literature and Philosophy 
Results 1 - 14 of 14