Certificate Programs
Certificate in African Studies
The 15 credit graduate certificate program in African Studies by the Center for African Studies is designed for graduate students who would like to pursue a concentration in African studies as part of their regular graduate studies. Those who fulfill the requirements may be awarded a certificate in African studies upon completion of their degree. Some requirements for the certificate may be used to satisfy the student's own graduate degree requirements.
Certificate in Africana Studies
The 9-credit graduate certificate in Africana Studies offers students enrolled in graduate programs the opportunity to complete their studies with an additional specialization in Africana Studies. It provides students in any discipline a concentration on the interrelated experiences of the peoples of Africa and the African diaspora, and the multiple methodologies of inquiry necessary to interrogate those experiences fully through comparative and global contexts.
Certificate in Critical Caribbean Studies
Rutgers Graduate students seeking to strengthen their expertise in Caribbean studies are encouraged to earn a Certificate in Critical Caribbean Studies in conjunction with an advanced degree in any Rutgers University graduate program. Completing the requirements of this certificate, candidates will expand their career options and will realize a range of learning outcomes (including, but not limited to):
- Gaining, furthering, and demonstrating expertise in topics focused on and related to the Caribbean
- Developing an interdisciplinary Caribbean studies methodological framework
- Enhancing their professional scholarly development within their discipline by gaining specialized training in Caribbean studies
- Gaining the specialized writing and research skills to produce articles and dissertations that engage with many interdisciplinary conversations within Caribbean studies.
Public Humanities Graduate Certificate
The Public Humanities Graduate Certificate program offers Rutgers graduate students cross-departmental and interdisciplinary learning experiences in publicly engaged humanities scholarship and methods.
The certificate program aims to train students to engage diverse publics in reflecting on community engagement, collaborative knowledge production, digital literacy, history, memory, and culture, and the relevance of the humanities to the current conditions of civic life. Along the way, students will develop the necessary skills for doing publicly engaged scholarship, for teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in the publicly engaged humanities related to their disciplines, and to broaden their career pathways inside or outside academia as they complete their degrees.
Certificate in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
The Department of Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies offers a Graduate Certificate Program that can support and enrich students' intellectual lives at Rutgers, as well as providing a helpful credential for the job market. The Certificate Program enables students enrolled in Rutgers Ph.D. programs to acquire an additional specialization in Women's & Gender Studies. It prepares students to conduct research in women's and gender studies, to develop and teach courses with a focus on gender and sexuality, and to expand the scope of their professional activity to include the fields of gender and sexuality studies.
Read more: Certificate in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Certificate in World Language Teaching (CWLT)
The Language Center (TLC), SAS-NB, in collaboration with the Graduate Programs in Comparative Literature, French, German, Italian, Literatures in English, and Spanish
(Approved December 2020)
Justification and Goals/Objectives
Being aware of the constantly shifting focus of methodologies of language teaching and the increasing demands of an unstable job market, TLC and the PhD programs in languages and cultures recognize the importance of increasing the teaching preparedness of our PhD students. These students ably compete with candidates of peer institutions on the job market in research pursuits. Recognizing the teaching preparation of our PhD students should enhance their chances for job placement.
The CWLT is a program devised for PhD students of Comparative Literature, French, German, Italian, Literatures in English, and Spanish as described below. This certificate should make our candidates stand out in comparison to those of other institutions, quantify the positive attributes of their teaching for prospective employers, and provide students with a teaching dossier to complement their research/academic portfolio. The certificate supports doctoral students as they prepare to teach at the post-secondary, i.e., university level, and in no way serves as licensure.