The Graduate Program of Literatures in English is proud to announce that the following students had their Ph.D. degrees conferred during 2017-2022 academic years:

Student Dissertation Title Dissertation Director
May 2024
Eagan Dean Malleable Instruments: Gender and Its Uses in Nineteenth Century U.S. Literature Dana Luciano
Raymond Leonard The Literature of Black and Indigenous Encounter in Early America Meredith McGill
Michael Opal Shaped Like Itself: The Rhetoric of Reality in Renaissance England Henry Turner
Abigail Reardon Varieties of Contingent Experience: Practicing Pragmatism in the Twenty-First Century Academy Brad Evans
Sara Sanchez-Zweig Magical Acts: Stage Magic, Desire, and the Experience of Subjectivity Elin Diamond
January 2024
Kylie Dennis Novel Care: Public Health and Professional Caregiving in the Nineteenth-Century British Domestic Novel David Kurnick
October 2023
Isabel Guzzardo Tamargo Maroon Entanglements: Women's and Femmes' Erotic Strategies in Caribbean Narrative Michelle Stephens & Carter Mathes
Courtney Krolczyk Illustrating History: The Forms and Affordances of Victorian Illustration Carolyn Williams
Kelly Roberts Generic Queer: Literary History After Visibility, 1980-2020 Rebecca Walkowitz
May 2023
Brian Reinken Future States: Imperial Violence and Nonlinear Time in Late Victorian Fiction John Kucich
Kristin Rose Women on the Wastes: Reimagining "Empty" Environments in the Victorian Female Bildungsroman David Kurnick
January 2023
Timothy Morris Science, Secularism, and Literary Form in Antebellum America Meredith McGill
October 2022
Kathryn Blakely Unhappy Pursuits: Gender, Duty, and Independence in Eighteenth-Century Britain Lynn Festa
Kirsten Martin Within the Reach of Art: Techniques of Ineffability in Eighteenth-Century Aesthetics Lynn Festa & Abigail Zitin
Miranda McLeod Ethnic Trouble: Ethnicization and American Literature in the Twenty-First Century Michelle Stephens
May 2022
Nicholas Allred Character Under the Influence in Eighteenth-Century Britain Lynn Festa
Amadi Ozier Senses of Humor: Joking Etiquette in African American Literature at the Turn of the Century Douglas Jones
Jacob Romanow The Novel of Exteriority: Form, Privacy, and Nation in Nineteenth-Century Britain David Kurnick
Jeremy Specland Psalm Reading and the Lyric Sequence in Renaissance England Thomas Fulton
January 2022
Christina Jen Reading as Acting: The Novel’s Casting Call and Readerly Performance in the British Nineteenth Century Carolyn Williams
October 2021
Danielle Allor Trees of Thought: Arboreal Matter and Metaphor in Late Medieval England Larry Scanlon
Emily Banta The Pursuit of Fun: Comic Play in Antebellum Democratic Culture Meredith McGill
Scott Harris English Variety: Popular Theater and the Post-Consensus Novel Rebecca Walkowitz
Ariel Martino Governing Aesthetics: Form and Politics in Black Hemispheric Literature Carter Mathes
May 2021
Suzanne Boswell Being Swamped: Decomposed Developments in Tropical Fictions Michelle Stephens & Andrew Goldstone
Nani Durnan Radical Disaffection: Political Pessimism in Fin-de-Siècle British Fiction John Kucich
Alexander Leslie Reading Regions: American Literature and Cultural Geography, 1865-1925 Brad Evans
Nicole Sheriko Imitating Difference: Renaissance Entertainment Culture and the Ethics of Popular Form Henry Turner
Maria Vrcek Literary Disorder: The Poetic Revolution, 1600-1666 Henry Turner
October 2020
Carlson, Andrew Forms of Imperfection in the English Renaissance Jacqueline Miller
Castroman, Margarita Collecting Race: The Archival Impulse in Twentieth-Century Black Literature and Culture Michelle Stephens
Deonarine, Phedra The Enduring Local: Representations of Land and Home in the Anglo-Caribbean Michelle Stephens
Gildea, Tara "Art gave Lifeless Life": Living Art and the Nature of Fiction in Early Modern England Ann Baynes Coiro & Henry Turner
Harris, Lech The Forms of Style: Victorian Storytelling and the Rise of the Stylist David Kurnick
Hughes, Sean The Moral Psychology of Historicism from Thomas Carlyle to Oscar Wilde Jonah Siegel
Kimball, Lauren Poetry and the Time of Labor in the Antebellum US Meredith McGIll
Li, Moyang Mathematical Dreamworlds: Speculative Fictions of Mathematics from the Enlightenment to the Global Anglophone Novel Mukti Lakhi Mangharam
Lipperini, Rebecca Maiden, Mother, Chrome: Feminist Fictions of the Female Inhuman in American Magazines, 1880-1936 Brad Evans
Parrish, Melissa Emergency Poetics: Postwar American Poetry and the Shape of Public Crisis Harriet Davidson & William Galperin
Sater, Max From Novel to Criticism: Narrative Knowing in the Nineteenth Century David Kurnick
Sivarm, Sushil Possible Institutions: Literature Festivals and Talk-Culture in India Mukti Lakhi Mangharam & Stephane Robolin
May 2020
Pirri, Caro Settlement Aesthetics: Theatricality, Form, Failure Emily Bartels
Welty, William "Following a Strange Course": Reading, Race, and the Anachronistic Histories of Postwar American Fiction David Kurnick & Michelle Stephens
October 2019
Challener, Scott From the Outside: Latin American Anthologies and the Making of U.S. Literature Rebecca Walkowitz
Coltrain, Alyssa The Hagiographic Impulse: Saintly Borrowings in Late Medieval Texts Larry Scanlon
Hamilton, Regina Speculative Aesthetics: Time, Space, and the Black Subject in 20th and 21st Century African American Literature Michelle Stephens
Masiello, Regina Rooms of Invention: The Prison Poems of Sir Thomas Wyatt and Henry Howard, Early of Surrey Ann Baynes Coiro
Monescalchi, Michael A Disinterested Republic: Reform and New Divinity Theology in Early America Christopher Iannini
Pradhan, Pritika "Not Simple Truth But Complex Beauty": Details in Victorian Literature and Aesthetics Jonah Siegel
Tanner, William The Melancholy Malcontent in Early Modern Theater & Culture Henry Turner
Valenzuela, Alexa Between London and Lima: Latin America and the Anglophone World in Twentieth Century and Contemporary Fiction Rebecca Walkowitz
May 2019
Diaby, Bakary Sensing Meaning: Aesthetics and Vulnerability in the Romantic Age Colin Jager
Everett, Gabrielle Blushing Bitterly: An Affective and Literary History of Racial Uplift After Reconstruction Douglas Jones
January 2019
Bobe, Melissa Spectacular Transients: Traumatic Childhood and the Fantastic Michelle Stephens
Cowell, Isaac The Peevish Wish: Conjectural Literature from Walpole to the Shelleys Colin Jager
October 2018
Barton, Lucas Imagined Literacies: Race and Reading in Antebellum American Literature Meredith McGill
Camarda, Julie The Matter of Discussion: Conversational Poetics in the British Romantic Period William Galperin
Phillips, Matthew John Worldly Figures: Character and Belonging in Nineteenth-Century British Fiction John Kucich
Williams, Alicia Democratic Address and the History of Reading in Nineteenth Century British Literature David Kurnick
May 2018
Cooper, Amy "Speaking Pictures": Words, Images, and the Visual Aesthetics of Early Modern Literature Henry Turner
McAuley, Kyle Outer Spaces: Provincialism and the Novel in the British Imperial Century David Kurnick
Wade, Erik Significant Others: Gender, Race, and the English Identity in Early Medieval English Eroticism Stacy Klein
October 2017
Graham, April 'Penolopees Trouthe': Female Faithfulness in Late Medieval English Literature Larry Scanlon
Madden, Caolan Performing Poetesses: Collectivity and Theatricality in Victorian Poetry Carolyn Williams
Mazzaferro, Alexander 'No Newe Enterprize': Empirical Political Science and the Problem of Innovation in the Colonial English Americas Christopher Iannini
Persson, Torleif Imagining the Now: The Making of the Contemporary in the American Novel since 1945 Rebecca Walkowitz
Solomon, Alex The Rhetoric of Probability from New Science to Common Sense Michael McKeon